1.1 Regulation;
1.2 The competition regulations correspond to those approved by the Table Tennis Federation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
2. General position.
2.1 A series of MATCHBALL CUP Tournaments means a table tennis competition in which the results of personal meetings are counted between the athletes participating in the Tournament.
2.2 Table tennis MATCHBALL CUP tournaments are held daily throughout the calendar year.
2.3 A unique number is assigned to each tournament, according to the calendar day.
2.4 The results of all matches are calculated by the system, entered into the standings and taken into account in the overall statistics.
3. Participants.
3.1 Athletes who have reached the age of 18 can take part in the tournament. All participants must have the appropriate clearance from the organizers.
3.2 The victory in the Tournament is awarded to the participant with the most points in the group.
3.3 The rating of each athlete is formed on the basis of match results and personal statistics.
4. The competitor must:
4.1 Observe the norms of sports ethics, be polite towards opponents, referees and spectators.
4.2 Know and follow the Rules, Regulations on competitions, as well as the schedule of meetings.
4.3 For failure to appear and being late for the match, the participant is disqualified from the tournament, without the possibility of recovery.
4.4 Tournament participants are required to comply with all sanitary and hygienic standards.
5. Force majeure
5.1 In the event of force majeure, a participant can be replaced (injury, disqualification, etc.).
2.1 Table tennis Matchball Cup competitions are held in accordance with the Official Table Tennis Rules, which are approved by the Table Tennis Federation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
2.2 Each match consists of 5 sets. Each set continues up to 11 points. The participant who wins 3 sets is considered the winner. The server alternates every two serves. If the score is equal (10:10), after each draw, the serve goes to the opponent until the difference is 2 points. Sides change after each game. In the 5th set, the change of sides occurs after one of the participants scores 5 points.
2.3 4 athletes can participate in the Tournament. The number of matches that athletes play depends on the number of participants in the Tournament. If 4 athletes participate in the Tournament, the competition is held according to the principle of a round robin system in 1 round, each participant plays 3 games.
2.4 The system of drawing matches is formed based on the number of participants in the Tournament.
2.5 Order of play:
1 round 1-4 2-3
Round 2 1-3 2-4
Round 3 1-2 3-4
2.6 Based on the results of each completed match, the participants are awarded points:
- 2 points are awarded for winning a match.
- For defeat - 1 point.
2.7 If, following the results of the competition, several participants of the Tournament scored an equal number of points, the places in the standings are distributed taking into account additional criteria:
- The highest number of points scored in personal meetings.
- The best difference between won and lost sets in personal meetings;
- The best difference between points scored and lost in all games of the Tournament.
3.1 All participants in the Tournaments are required to know and abide by the Official Table Tennis Rules.
3.2 In relations with judges, opponents, spectators and sports organizations, Tournament participants must be guided by the principles of Fair Play.
3.3 If during the match one of the participants of the Tournament receives a red card - the opponent is awarded one point, the second red card - 2 points, the 3rd red card, his opponent is awarded the victory in the match.
3.4 Participants must respect referee decisions and accept them with dignity.
3.5 Participants are forbidden to perform any actions (including taking positions on the court) designed to hide sports mistakes and influence the decision of the judges.
4.1 If, due to technical problems, the match is not possible, it is considered canceled.
4.2 A match that was interrupted for more than 10 minutes due to technical problems and cannot be completed until they are completely eliminated is considered canceled.
4.3 Canceled matches are not rescheduled and remain in the "Cancelled" status.
4.4 If during the competition one of the participants is injured and cannot complete the match, he will be credited with “Loss”.
4.5 An injured athlete will be able to complete the Tournament if the medical staff allows him to participate in other scheduled competitions. The admission is granted on the basis of a medical opinion that the injury will not harm the health of the athlete and will not affect his results in subsequent matches of the Tournament.
4.6 If the injury does not allow the athlete to continue participating in the Tournament, he is automatically awarded a “Loss”.